Don’t worry about the order or sequence.Sequence the note cards or Post-it notes with the activities. A completed network diagram enables you to able to determine: (1) a project's scheduled completion time, (2) the slack or float of project activities, and (3) the critical path of your project.Build a Project Network (or a Partial Network)Brainstorm the activities required to complete the work packages. For example, on the Project Name area and add project task.Enter Start and Finish DatesSelect information the task and set if fix dateAdd other task Click on OK.Add your durations for each taskSet basic Gantt chart format and select your relationships (use also for tracking Gantt chart view).Select relationships with task that are relatedSelect a lag if necessarySet your task dependency by double clicking on the relationship bar.Click on OK.Make sure to save your informationNext steps will be to set up resources.Building a Network DiagramThe first step in building the network diagram is sequencing all of the activities.

Create a project schedule using Project Libre and the WBS you created in Week three.Update Project Libre with Schedule InformationThe following steps should be followed when setting up your Course Project with Project Libre.Set the basic project informationOpen Project Libre – Click Create Project.Enter New Project Name, manger, start date, press ok.Click on File (top left), select calendar and give nameSave as and enter the file name as (your name) cp1.